㘬字UNICODE编码U+362C,10进制: 13868,UTF-32: 0000362C,UTF-8: E3 98 AC。
㘬字位于中日韩统一表意文字扩充A区(CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。
(same as 坳) a hollow in the ground; a cavity, (same as 物) matter; substance, all living creatures, t
㘬字UNICODE编码U+362C,10进制: 13868,UTF-32: 0000362C,UTF-8: E3 98 AC。
㘬字位于中日韩统一表意文字扩充A区(CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。
(same as 坳) a hollow in the ground; a cavity, (same as 物) matter; substance, all living creatures, t